Dat fiind că nu sunt noutăți pe front, putem arunca o privire la chestiuni de esență.
Conferința de presă a MID. (memorare)
Despre îndreptarea erorilor, în Polonia:
The show (the ceremonious demolition of the monument to the Red Army soldiers of the 1st Ukrainian Front) was led by Karol Nawrocki, head of the Institute of National Remembrance, a body responsible for Poland’s current “history policy,” who explained that such monuments “glorify totalitarianism” while the red stars “symbolise the crimes of the Communist regime” and “along with the Nazi swastika are responsible for unleashing World War II.” “The red star has no place in a free, independent and democratic Poland,” declaimed Mr Nawrocki.
However, neither he nor any of the other Polish “figures” recalled the main point: had it not been for the hundreds of thousands of people with the red stars who fell as they fought Nazism in Chrzowice and countless other Polish cities, towns or just out in the open, they would not have today’s “free, independent and democratic Poland.” Qute likely, neither would they be in existence. They have everything at the cost of our heroes’ lives. As has always been the case.
First their collective “civilised democracies” raise monsters.Then our boys have to go and fight those monsters.
Didn’t Hitler come to power through democratic means, as historical documents show? Yes, he did. He was proud of the German democracy in the 1930s. The people of Germany who supported him wore insignia and gave the Nazi salute. The cult of Nazism and the man-hating ideology were imposed, including an entire range of things that are, in principle, unacceptable for civilised people and ordinary human beings, in general. The whole of Europe applauded him, they lauded him to the skies, and they loved him. They pushed him to attack the East, but they got him in the West instead. Those who are now being blamed for everything took over later on. Just like in the 1930s and the 1940s, all these criminal acts were concocted in the West, and the East had to sort things out. Let’s recall a song by Vladimir Vysotsky; everything is just the same today. The only difference is that they bred monsters on the territory of Ukraine.
This seemed to be a wonderful plan because no one believed that anything like this would emerge in Ukraine, a country that was drenched in blood of the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis and Nazi collaborators.
President Vladimir Zelensky said that, as a representative of the Jewish nation, whichknows what Holocaust is all about, he cannot permit such things to happen. This is good camouflage. What do we see today? We can see video footage showing prisoners being tortured. This does not happen overnight. These things come out after being hidden deep inside the people who perpetrate such acts. History repeats itself. We discussed this many times. It is necessary to correct mistakes. For eight years, and before 2014, we warned the world about a terrible monster being created and raised on the territory of modern Ukraine. We warned that this would lead to a collapse.
At that time, the people who installed monuments in gratitude to Red Army soldiers on the territory of Poland understood whom these monuments honoured: the soldiers who had given their lives to liberate the people of Poland. The price of liberation also included unborn generations of this country’s citizens. And the grandchildren of those Polish citizens who had been saved and liberated by the Red Army were not burdened by the historical memory and elementary human emotions, such as gratitude, dignity and decency, and they have no misgivings about perpetrating vile deeds, live and in an official setting.
Despre ce face Rusia în Ucraina (răspunzând la o întrebare despre poziția de neutralitate a țărilor islamice și a Chinei):
Maria Zakharova: We have already declared the goals of the special military operation, which include the demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine, the elimination of threats to Russia’s security emanating from Ukrainian territory due to NATO countries’ military build-up there, as well as the protection of the residents of the DPR and LPR from the genocide unleashed by the Kiev regime. This is the gravest crime against humanity, and turning a blind eye to it violates every principle of humanism. Russia has not unleashed aggression against Ukraine. The entire history of our country shows that Russia does not start wars – Russia ends them.
Interesant discursul Marelui Satan pe teme culturale. (memorare)
[…] I would like to congratulate you and all your colleagues on Cultural Workers’ Day. This holiday was established to honour an enormous cohort of people, true enthusiasts who dedicated their lives to Russian culture. Magnificent and inexhaustible, our culture reflects the entire diversity of the spiritual and historical legacy and traditions of our multiethnic country. It is one of the most essential foundations of the Russian state and society that strengthens our unity and develops a sense and understanding of the Motherland in our young citizens.
Russia’s cultural space was created by the hard work and talent of many generations of artists, authors and composers, actors and musicians. It is represented by a unique network of museums, libraries, cultural centres, concert venues and folk centres. In addition to the iconic Hermitage, the Bolshoi Theatre and the Mariinsky Theatre, there are thousands of local cultural facilities across Russia. Children’s theatres and libraries are another entirely Russian achievement of cultural education, available all over the country.
Russian culture has made an invaluable contribution to the development of world civilisation. For centuries, Russian masters of literature, music and fine arts have given humankind new aesthetic traditions and, more importantly, ideals and meanings that have become moral and spiritual guidelines for millions of people and entire generations.
Russian culture is human-centric. The best classical works are focused on the inner life, personal quests and emotional experiences of human beings. They ask relevant questions, help people to think, understand and draw conclusions.
It is not surprising that the Russian mentality is known for taking things to heart. We feel very strongly about other people’s pain and injustice. We are capable of feeling sincere joy about others’ success and helping those who truly need our help.
Russian culture always protected Russia’s national identity. While readily taking in all the best and constructive, it patently rejected anything false or momentary, anything that would disrupt the continuity of our spiritual values, moral principles, and historical memory.
This unique quality reliably protects the Russian people even today, when seemingly eternal concepts and norms are being eroded and undermined in different countries, history is being distorted, and the laws of nature itself are being violated.
In a number of countries – mainly the so-called Western countries – these processes have not just permeated politics, society, sports and education, but they often run the show in these areas, they are being aggressively imposed.
Suffice it to mention the notion of cancel culture, which generally refers to public ostracism, boycotting, and sometimes withholding, even oblivion of certain obvious facts, books, names of historical and modern public figures, writers or anyone who does not fit into modern patterns, no matter how absurd they actually are.
This did not begin yesterday. For example, as we are well aware, Hollywood has regularly released films that declared the United States the sole defeater of Nazism. Those films effectively “cancelled” the courage and heroism, and the victory achieved by the Red Army, which made a decisive contribution – suffice it to consider the numbers of military units that fought on the Eastern Front, near Germany – that decisive contribution has been cancelled as well.
When Japan annually commemorates the victims of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August, they either bashfully keep silent about who dropped the bombs on their cities, or they write flagrant nonsense, that some abstract allies did it. This is what their textbooks say. They simply prefer not to talk about the fact that it was the United States that committed such as a terrible and unjustified massacre at the end of World War II. They have cynically decided to “cancel” this truth as well.
Children’s writer J. K. Rowling, the author of books that have sold hundreds of millions of copies around the world, has recently been cancelled in much the same way for displeasing supporters of so-called gender freedoms.
Today, they are trying to cancel an entire millennium-old country, our people. I am referring to the mounting discrimination against everything related to Russia, about the trend that is gaining momentum in a number of Western states – with the complete connivance and sometimes with encouragement from the ruling elite.
This notorious cancel culture has turned into the cancellation of culture. The names Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich and Rachmaninoff are blacked out on concert posters. Russian writers and their books are banned. The last time a campaign like this happened, it was the Nazis who began destroying objectionable literature in Germany. We know well and remember from documentaries the burning of books right on public squares.
It is impossible to imagine this in our country. We are insured against this largely owing to domestic culture. For us, this is inseparable from our Motherland, from Russia where there is no room for ethnic intolerance and where representatives of dozens of nationalities and ethnic groups have lived, worked and brought up children for centuries. Our society is proud of its cultural diversity – the strength and advantage of our state.
I think many people know, have seen how a street artist painted Fyodor Dostoyevsky on a wall of a building. The West has now “cancelled” or “is cancelling” this Russian writer. This still gives us the hope that mutual sympathy and culture, which link and unite all of us, will pave the way for truth, that art and education will only promote wisdom, kindness and other time-tested values, as they should.
În media lumea dă semne de oboseală pe tema agresiunii rusești. Minciunile ucrainienilor sunt tratate cu “of, mai lasă-ne!”, POTUS este ridiculizat non-stop, germanii nu-și pot reveni din vertij, Macron continuă show-ul, invidiindu-l pe Adevăratul Actor, rușii, calmi, își continuă programul. Restul lumii se realiniază, timid, către noii poli. Românii își continuă destructurarea și coborârea în neant.
Rubla se pregătește, sfioasă, de naționalizare.
Pomii încep, timid, să înflorească.
Mda, nu mor caii când vor câinii, referitor la destructurarea românilor!
Pentru informare, lumea ar trebui să se gândească la adevăratul exod al japonezilor din ultimii ani, cel puțin, măcar pentru a înțelege cum e cu coborârea în neant. Mulți au încercat să ne cânte prohodul de-a lungul istoriei, dar tot în arealul acesta am rămas, nu ne-am teleportat nici în zona muscalilor, nici în aia a yankeilor.
Dar… să revenim la oile noastre (că tot ne numesc „binevoitorii” mioritici) și la melancolia pomilor înfloriți.
Deși Statele Unite au încercat să întărească cu succes alianța NATO, această consolidare nu a pus capăt tensiunilor profunde dintre SUA și țările europene continentale precum Franța și Germania.
Din punct de vedere istoric, Franța nu își dorește nicio organizație NATO eficientă – mai precis o conducere americană în Europa – și nicio Germanie puternică care, în schimb, a invadat Franța de două ori în secolul XX. Până de curând, politicienii francezi considerau o Germanie militarizată drept o linie roșie în vederea păcii și stabilității în Europa.
Recent, însă, guvernul francez a ajuns într-un punct în care trebuie să aleagă între aceste două opțiuni. Având în vedere slăbirea încrederii în Washington și fricțiunile tot mai mari dintre SUA și țările europene, Franța va prefera mai curând întărirea Germaniei decât dependența americană. Din ce în ce mai mulți politicieni și oameni de știință francezi încep să gândească că este imposibil să se creeze o Uniune Europeană eficientă din punct de vedere militar fără o Germania puternică. Criza din Ucraina pare să fi convins guvernul francez să accepte ca Berlinul să devină o putere militară. Că gestul în sine va da naștere unei forme îmbunătățite de nazism, cu siguranță, vom trăi și vom vedea!
Într-altă ordine de idei, conducerea de la Kremlin a explicat în mod repetat că Rusia a inițiat invazia Ucrainei din cauza amenințării tot mai mari din partea NATO și a Occidentului. Era de așteptat ca țările non-occidentale, în special China, să acorde sprijin Moscovei. Cu toate că Beijingul a fost văzut ca o provocare majoră pentru americani, el nu s-a mobilizat, nu se mobilizează și nu își va mobiliza resursele pentru a sprijini Federația Rusă, deoarece Xi Jinping nu este pregătit pentru o ciocnire politică și militară cu hegemonia occidentală condusă de Statele Unite, în special în privința Taiwanului. Mișcarea cu Insulele Solomon a fost sugestivă în acest sens. La fel ca și întâlnirea lui Lavrov cu Wang Yi.
Pe de altă parte, majoritatea puterilor regionale din diferite părți ale lumii nu au oferit susținere deplină țărilor occidentale conduse de SUA, preferând să condamne incursiunea rusească în teritoriile ucrainene, dar, în același timp, să rămână „relativ neutre” în privința crizei. Asta înseamnă că încearcă să-și reducă dependența față de aceste puteri globale și, prin urmare, să-și sporească autonomia strategică în sistemul global de tranziție de astăzi. Eu cam așa văd lucrurile!
Nu în ultimul rând, nivelul actual de interdependență face ca pedepsirea oricărei puteri globale să fie contraproductivă. Toate națiunile europene au suferit și suferă într-un fel sau altul ca urmare a crizei din Ucraina. Sancțiunile împotriva Rusiei reprezintă o lovitură dureroasă nu numai pentru statul rus și poporul său, ci și pentru toți partenerii și clienții ruși; inclusiv terții care nu sunt asociați cu Moscova sunt afectați mai ales din cauza crizei din sectoarele alimentare și energetice. Cât despre refugiații ucraineni, aceștia pot crea diverse probleme economice, politice și sociale în întreaga Europă pe termen mediu sau lung, prin urmare, împrejurările nu-s absolut deloc propice (nu am mai dat socoteală în rândurile mele filierelor poloneze prin care naziștii de la Kiev sunt alimentați cu armament de la nenorociții de americani, un alt motiv al vizitei lui Lavrov la Beijing) unui bilanț pozitiv.