Buenos Aires la… G20

MS este complet izolat la Buenos Aires. BRICS. Și RIC.

Zice că reputația contează:

Question: I have another forum-related question, but this time, it is about the World Economic Forum in Davos. What do you think about the idea of Russia’s refusing to take part in the Davos Forum if the organisers fail to lift restrictions on certain Russian businessmen attending? And if Russia refuses to participate, will this affect the country’s reputation in the global economy?

Vladimir Putin: This will definitely have no effect on Russia’s reputation in the global economy. Any country’s reputation in the sphere of the global economy primarily depends on its economic power, the structure of its economy, the results that it yields from the standpoint of its technological effectiveness, the GDP growth rate, various macroeconomic indicators, namely, low inflation, low levels of external debt, absence of budget deficit or minimal budget deficit – or, preferably, budget surplus, which our country currently has, by the way.

Oricum, dat fiind că

este interesant cum sunt înțărcuiți de către oamenii civilizați:

US officials’ statements on Nord Stream 2 project


In recent days, we have noted some activity from American officials concerning the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. The statements by US ambassadors to the EU Gordon Sondland, (https://themoscowtimes.com/news/sanctions-still-an-option-against-nord-stream-2-us-envoy-warns-63481, https://ria.ru/economy/20181113/1532678965.html) and to the Netherlands Pete Hoekstra (https://nltimes.nl/2018/11/08/dutch-companies-involved-nord-stream-2-may-face-sanctions-us-ambassador-says, https://nos.nl/artikel/2258269-amerikaanse-ambassadeur-sluit-sancties-tegen-nederlandse-bedrijven-niet-uit.html) are classic examples of America’s unceremonious intervention in the affairs of the European Union. Their general tone suggests that Washington intends to make every effort to hinder the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. They even went so far as to issue blatant threats against European capitals. Mr Sondland said, and I quote: “If that philosophy is not adopted and Nord Stream continues, then the president has many, many other tools at his disposal – I’m not going to go through the litany – to try and curb and stop the project.” His colleague in The Hague promised that no exceptions will be made for any companies that potentially can be affected by the sanctions – meaning the biggest players such as Shell, Van Oord and Boskalis. There will be no special treatment for anyone. The logic of the American side is as flawed as it is primitive: whoever is not with us is against us.

What is this, if not direct and overt interference in the affairs of other states, based not only on the desire to influence, but also to intimidate?

By the way, a word about logic. Despite the visible flow of negativity from Washington, Russian liquefied natural gas is still successfully flowing in the opposite direction. At least three tankers filled with LNG from the Yamal LNG project have recently reached the Everett terminal on the American coast.

US and NATO military activity near Russian borders


At our last briefing, we quoted a State Department tweet saying that claims about NATO encircling Russia were untrustworthy. For our part, we said that, on the contrary, the reports were accurate. We showed videos, and promised to provide supporting facts (http://www.mid.ru/da/press_service/spokesman/briefings/-/asset_publisher/D2wHaWMCU6Od/content/id/3403436#14).

We are closely monitoring the build-up of NATO force s near our borders – unlike the US State Department which does not follow the process or thinks that it does not even exist.

The command echelon of the US-led alliance is not concealing its plans to strengthen its military capabilities in Europe, including by creating new command and staff posts, logistic support systems, and related infrastructure. There is a steady rotational – and actually permanent – US military presence in states bordering on Russia.

The scale of war games held close to our borders has been growing according to plan. Since October, numerous forces and assets involved in a series of major military exercises have been massed in the Baltic region and in northern Europe. They complement units already deployed in the “eastern” flank of NATO countries. These actions objectively lead to the militarisation of the region, generate new risks and aggravate military and political confrontation.

The large-scale Trident Juncture exercises wound up a short while ago. It is openly declared that the manoeuvres are aimed at sending a signal to Moscow that NATO is ready for a collective defence “in the event of a threat from the East,” a threat which is a fake and a phantom. (Later, I will dwell on where there really is a threat.) The same anti-Russia logic underlies the US and NATO Anaconda exercises launched on a large scale in Poland and the Baltic area on November 7. Moreover, the games are expressly offensive in nature. All of this represents the largest military onslaught since World War II.

In particular, we noted one fundamentally new element. The Pentagon demanded among other things that the forces involved in the exercise drill evacuate residents from the “conflict zone,” that is, from populated localities adjoining the Russian and Belarusian borders. It is worth noting that they did the same in Europe a few decades back. I think no one needs to be reminded of the facts of history.

NATO and its individual member states are building up a military presence along the entire Baltic Sea – Black Sea arc.

Four multinational NATO battalions are deployed in Poland and the Baltic countries, and a multinational brigade, in Romania. The formation of NATO’s permanent naval task force in the Black Sea is still on the agenda. The United States is sending additional contingents and equipment to Europe. Multinational military drills and reconnaissance activities are being intensified. Thus, a coalition force numbering between 10 and 12 thousand officers and military personnel is deployed on a so-called steady “rotational” basis, but in fact permanently, in regions lying close to Russia’s borders. Moreover, this figure does not include the US forces permanently deployed in Europe or the national armed forces of Central and East European countries. Poland, for one, is implementing plans to increase the strength of its territorial defence force to 200,000 within the next few years.

The military and civilian infrastructure is being assiduously modernised to enable a rapid build-up of the above-mentioned multinational force. A logistic and rear support system is being created, with forward-based arms and equipment depots deployed in Lithuania, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania. Old command and control structures are being adapted to new requirements and new ones are being formed.

Almost three decades after the end of the Cold War, we are witnessing NATO consistently shifting its fortified borders further and further east, each time attributing its steps to the need for self-defence.


Main military facilities in regions neighbouring Russia that are used in the interests of NATO member states


The data listed below include elements of the NATO and US command and headquarters infrastructure, facilities that have been officially certified for use during NATO activities, as well as those being used in the interests of contingents from two or more NATO countries (but not directly perceived as NATO bases).  This list does not include details of the military facilities of the national armed forces of NATO member countries on their respective territories.

Latvia: Riga (NATO Force Integration Unit); Adazi (a multinational NATO battalion, 1,293 officers and soldiers; a unit of a US armoured brigade), an air base in Lielvarde (a unit of a rotational US combat aviation brigade). A military base in Luznava and training grounds in Skrunda and the Aluksne and Daugavpils municipalities are being upgraded.

Lithuania: Vilnius (NATO Force Integration Unit); Rukla (a multinational NATO battalion, 1,100 officers and soldiers; a unit of a rotational US armoured brigade); Zokniai Airport in Siauliai (aircraft involved in a NATO mission to patrol air space in the Baltic region: Four fighters of the Belgian Air Component); Mumaiciai (US weapons and military equipment depot); training areas in Pabrade, Kairiai, Kazlu Ruda, Rokai.

Estonia: Tallinn (NATO Force Integration Unit); Tapa (a multinational NATO battalion, 987 officers and soldiers; a unit of a rotational US armoured brigade); Amari Air Base (aircraft involved in a NATO mission to patrol air space in the Baltic region: Four fighters of the German Air Force).

Poland: Szczecin (Headquarters of the Multinational Corps Northeast); Elblag (Divisional Headquarters of the Multinational Corps Northeast); Bydgoszcz (NATO Force Integration Unit and Joint Force Training Centre of the Combined Joint NATO Task Forces); Poznan (US Army Europe’s Division-Level Tactical Headquarters); Lublin (Lithuanian–Polish–Ukrainian Brigade / LITPOLUKRBRIG Headquarters); Zagan, Drawsko Pomorskie, Torun, Swietoszów, Skwierzyna, Bolesławiec (headquarters and units of a US Army’s rotational armoured brigade); Orzysz and Bemowo Piskie (a multinational NATO battalion, 1,093 officers and soldiers); Powidz (United States Air Forces in Europe are establishing a logistics hub in Europe, and a unit of a US Army combat aviation brigade is deployed there); Redzikowo (an Aegis Ashore US/NATO missile-defence system element is under construction there); training centres in the Biedrusko, Giżycko and Wędrzyn communities.

Air bases are being modernised in Lask, Malbork, Mińsk Mazowiecki, Mirosławiec, Swidwin and Poznan (Krzesiny). Engineering works are underway at the naval bases of Gdynia and Swinoujscie and in Gdansk port.

There are about 3,000 officers and soldiers in the US contingent (including a unit which is part of a multinational NATO Battalion).

Bulgaria: Novo Selo Training Area (Sliven, a unit of a rotational armoured brigade, US weapons and military equipment depots); the Koren Range (Haskovo), Graf Ignatievo Air Base (regular deployment of aircraft for patrolling Bulgarian air space) and Krumovo, Bezmer Air Base and Aitos Logistics Center Air Force Base (US weapons and military equipment depots) are being modernised. The infrastructure of Varna Naval Base and the Burgas Naval Base is being expanded in the interests of the naval forces of NATO countries.

Hungary: Székesfehérvár (NATO Force Integration Unit); Papa Air Base (NATO’s Strategic Airlift Capability consortium and an unfinished logistics hub) and Kecskemet; Varpalota Training Area (a unit of a rotational US armoured brigade); the Bakony Combat Training Centre is being upgraded.

Romania: Bucharest (Multinational Division Southeast Headquarters); Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base (rotational units of an armoured brigade, a combat aviation brigade, a US Marine Corps (USMC) rotational unit, the Air Force Passenger Transit Centre, US weapons and military equipment depots, regular deployment of aircraft for patrolling Romanian air space: Five Canadian Air Force fighters; Craiova (the Multinational Framework Training Brigade Southeast is being established, with about 2,500 officers and soldiers); Deveselu Air Base (Caracal, Aegis Ashore element of the US/NATO missile-defence system); Feteşti; Air Base Câmpia Turzii; an airfield in Otopeni; Constanta port; Medgidia (weapons and military equipment depot); the Babadag, Melina (Smardan) and Cincu training grounds are being upgraded.

TS îl vede cam pe ducă pe Porky.

MS (al VP) despre provocarea de întâi decembrie.

Pe frontul local avem iarăși copiii mici măcelăriți de doctorii cu mâinile murdare. Dacă n-ar duhni a manipulare jegoasă, mai că ne-am interesa despre spălatul pe mâini.

Iarăși din nou cu sârguință susținem Ucraina. Pentru că suntem de-aceeași mamă. RT este un simpatic!

Incident german.

Sfințirea Catedralei: aceleași manipulări jegoase. Este de întrebat de ce a fost Bartolomeu, și nimeni altcineva de la ortodocșii-frați.

Mai nou, mă descopăr că îl “vizitez” pe IC doar pentru comentariile lui Baltag și axon. De exemplu.

ILD excelează. Prin infantilitate.

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