Români – România

În contextul agresiunii mediatice cu tema “micii uniri” (pe care Lucian Boia, printre alții, se screme să o nege ca “mică”, nu ca “unire”), mi-a venit în minte, în lumina scrisului lui John S. Romanides, cum, ca și caracteristică a noastră ca nație, uzurpăm numele de romania. Ca să zicem în slogan: “impostura este românia”.

Unirea Principatelor s-a întâmplat în 1859. Protagoniștii sunt participanții de la 1848. Produse ale masoneriei franceze. Exponenți ai intereselor geostrategice anglofranceze. (Sub limba franceză se ascunde, firește, planul englez. Gândit, cum altfel, decât “templier”, de creierul Templului.)

Unirea Principatelor este primul pas vizibil istoric al “occidentalizării”, “integrării europene” a populației de limbă română. Cum bine zice analistul “nu avem nevoie de un plan de țară; planul nostru de țară este 1848”. Suferim, încă, de prea puțină Europă…

“Europa” fiind minciuna carolingiană. Suferim, prin urmare, de prea puțină minciună.

These remarks explain the Frankish use of the name Romania for territories they conquered from the East Romans and Turks during their so-called crusades. These provinces, and the Greek language, now become once again Romania because the Frankish armies had restored them to the ‘orthodoxy’ of the Frankish Papacy and to the ‘supremacy’ of the Latin language.

Tragedia noastră este schizofrenia între limba neo-latină pe care o vorbim, și esența “greacă” a credinței și a felului de a fi. Fiind cu mare dispreț pentru învățătură, nu putem înțelege noțiunea imperială, care este, prin esență, multi-etnică; și multilingvă.

Rușii, vorbind o limbă slavă, dar fiind “greci” prin credință și fel de a fi, nu au parte de această schizofrenie. De aceea nu au avut problema “denunțării” alfabetului chirilic. Și nu au vreun respect mistic pentru “europa”: pentru că ei conștientizează că sunt “imperiul creștin”, roman.

Limba imperiului roman fiind limba greacă.


8. The name Greek and the Franks[20]

The first and only ones who in the 9th century stopped calling us Romans and from them on called us only by the name Greek, which Adamantios Koraes wanted, are the Franks. After the capture of New Rome by the Franks (1206) and specially after its capture by the Turks (1453), this Frankish tradition gradually prevailed among the Normans, the Celts, the Saxons, the Scandinavians, the Italian cities, and even among the Russians.

The chief reason for which the Franks called us only Greeks was that from the 6th till the 8th century they had conquered the tremendous Roman populations of Gallic and North and Central Italic Romania. The Romans of these provinces were transformed into serfs and the Frankish conquerors became the class of those by nature born noble and thus European Feudalism was born. In order that the Roman serfs would forget that free Eastern Romania exists, they named her “Graecia”; they named the East Romans exclusively “Greeks”; they named the emperor of the Romans “emperor of the Greeks” and the East Roman Patriarchates “Greek Patriarchates”.

At the same time, the Franks named the first king of the Franks “emperor of the Romans”; they expelled the Romans from the Patriarchate of Old Rome, but named the now Latin Popes “Roman Popes”; they kept the name Romania for the Papal States, and completed the capture of our Latin and Greek – speaking hierarchy of South Italic and Sicilian Romania when we definitively lost these territories in 1071 to the Latinized Normans who 5 years before, in 1066, had conquered England.

Many Romanized Celtic and Saxon refugees from England came to Constantinople New Rome and joined the choice fighting corps of Varangians who made up the Palace guard of the emperor of the Romans. Other leaders like Robin Hood stayed on in England as Roman robber brigade against Franconormans. The rest of Celts and Saxons were transformed into the serfs of the Norman conquerors. The Normans became the nobility and expelled the Orthodox from the Church leadership, having themselves become the bishops of the Frankish Christianity they brought with them.

In this way, having become the serfs of the Franks and Normans, the Romans lost their Church Ethnarchy, they became illiterate, and came to believe that their country Romania was only the papal states, that the now Frankish or Latin Pope was still their Roman Ethnarch, and that the now Frankish or Latin “emperor of the Romans” was their traditional emperor.

At the same time Franks condemned the so-called “Greeks” as heretics and thus succeeded not only in cutting off the West Romans, but also in teaching them to hate the non-existent “Greeks” who in reality were fellow Romans.

For this reason the name Greek came to mean “heretic, thief, liar, rascal, impostor and swindler[21].”

In other words Adamantios Koraes favored the name Greek with which the Franks destroyed us and with which all the enlightened nations of Europe practiced insult.


23. Never Latin, never Greek, always Roman

Our national history and legislation prove that Rome as a city-state was never identified either with the Latins nor with the Latin language. It was for this reason that in 92 B.C. the Romans closed the Latin schools in order that the students study only in the Greek schools.

The Romans never had a Latin national consciousness. They were not Latins. They were and are Romans. They were not Latin-speaking, but bilingual-Latin-speaking and Greek-speaking, as the Romans are today Greek-speaking, Vlachic-speaking and Arvanitic-speaking.

Having this fact in mind we must characterize the Frankish claim, prevalent today also in Greece, that the Roman Empire was Latin and became Greek and therefore Byzantine, not only as a myth but also as a villainous fraud[47], since it was never Latin, it never became Greek, and since an already Hellenized Rome was moved to the East, and since the people of Romanism remain bilingual as they were always Besides, as we have seen, it is a delusion to think that the Roman Empire was Hellenized. The Roman Republic had already been fully Hellenized before the Roman Empire was born from it.

Nu e de mirare. Școala “greacă”, alfabetul chirilic, biserica “ortodoxă”. Suntem în același spațiu cu “elenii”. Și, desigur, cu bulgarii, sârbii, albanezii. Oh, da, și cu rușii: care dincolo de jumătatea lor “asiatică”, identitar sunt romani; în sensul de “imperiu roman”. Țar este, desigur, cezar.

Cel mai chinuitor este când nu știi cine ești, de unde vii. Nu ai cum să intuiești încotro mergi.


Interesant, TS este în aceeași notă. (memorare)

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