
Nu întâmplător una dintre instituțiile fundamentale ale lui 1984 este Memory Hole.

Îmi dau seama că cea mai mare anxietate pe care o am este pierderea și distrugerea memoriei evenimentelor.

Din acest motiv sunt în extaz când Marele Satan, alături de demonii lui de diverse trepte, au și ne dau o memorie necruțătoare a evenimentelor.

Pe de altă parte, după cum ne povestește Ray McGovern adesea, pe vremea activității lui profesionale exista așa-numita kremlinologie. Adică arta de a deduce din îmbrăcămintea, gesturile, așezarea în spațiu la evenimente a oficialilor sovietici politica Uniunii Sovietice. Și, zice Ray, un coleg cu mai mult discernământ l-a învățat că dacă vrei să cunoști politica Uniunii Sovietice cel mai bine este să-i asculți pe oficialii Uniunii Sovietice. Acest principiu este valabil și azi…

Iată-l pe Serghei Lavrov fără iluzii. (memorare, memorare)

[T]he so-called cancel culture phenomenon. The United States and the West in general have a knack for cancelling everything that fails to meet their interests. In this case, this is just another example of the way they cancel contemporary history, in particular when dealing with periods leading to conflict or crisis.


[M]many things only happened as a result of the coup d’etat in Ukraine. President Vladimir Putin said on many occasions that we had no intention of supporting the Crimean movement towards reunification with Russia under legitimate and legitimately elected presidents [in Ukraine]. After the coup was staged, the opposition leaders, nurtured by the Americans, went back on the agreement they signed with President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych to settle the crisis peacefully and to hold an early election. The first thing they did on the day of the coup was to announce their plans to terminate the status of the Russian language. Dmitry Yarosh demanded that Russians be expelled from Crimea. The so-called “friendship trains” with thugs were sent to the peninsula to storm the Supreme Council of Crimea. It was a powerful signal, including for our society, which has always had special feelings for the other Slavic nations, in particular Ukrainians and Belarusians.

The agreement was violated despite the guarantees given by France, Germany and Poland in February 2014. Nobody so much as lifted a finger to force the opposition to implement the commitment they had made the night before. Later, the ill-fated Minsk Agreements were violated as well but in a much more dramatic manner. The Minsk signatories (excluding President Putin) have admitted that they never intended to fulfil them, that they only needed more time to pour weapons into Ukraine for use against Russia. It is a full confession. It has been made openly and in broad daylight. If the Minsk Agreements were implemented, there would have been no need for the special military operation. This is a fact.


Even Josep Borrell, who is considered the head of European diplomacy, is, in fact, serving the interests of the United States in Europe. On his watch, the EU has become Washington’s obedient follower. Remember him saying that Europe is a beautiful and blooming “garden” and everything around it is a “jungle?” I hope he wasn’t talking about the United States, since the United States is not Europe. But the point is that no one dares to stand up to them. The “rules-based order” is all about them deciding what kind of globalisation system exists in the world, what its service mechanisms will be like, and how trade disputes are resolved. But after the West has overnight torn apart every principle that it had spent many decades drumming into the heads of the rest of the world (the free market, fair and honest competition, presumption of innocence, inviolability of property, and more), and when they were confronted with the need to punish the Russian Federation, all of the above was weaponised.

The other day, our representative at the IMF Alexey Mozhin spoke publicly on this issue at an IMF meeting in Washington. His remarks triggered a deep thought process in most countries: “What if, come tomorrow, the Americans no longer like what we are doing?” No doubt, the response will be equally tough. But it is a healthy process. It dispels illusions and makes every self-respecting nation that wants to live according to its traditions, to respect its history and ancestors, and to rely on its national interests, follow our example by achieving sovereignty in areas that are vital for the survival of nations. This is not about autarchy. President Putin has said many times that we are open to cooperation. But as far as our former Western partners are concerned, we cannot rely on agreements with them, including legal agreements. This is the kind of a “struggle of the worlds” we’re living in.


Without a doubt, the West is Ukraine’s sponsor. However, Ukraine is the West’s sponsor in a different meaning of the word. It is a tool of war against us.


I mentioned the special military operation’s goals set by President Putin. In addition to demilitarisation, it is to denazify Ukraine. In Ukraine, we are at war against the West and against Nazism, which has reared its head in that country and is being thoroughly cultivated by our Western colleagues.


As for the question of being open to dialogue, there were no serious proposals, you see. Not a single one. No one made any serious proposals, I mean no one in the West. Africans asked for a meeting, and we received them immediately. Now there is the Pope’s envoy. We also talked with our Brazilian friends who sent President Lula da Silva’s representatives here. For many months now, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and President of France Emmanuel Macron have been making menacing statements promising to call Vladimir Putin on the phone. They said it so many times. If you want to call someone, just go ahead and do it. Why talk about it? If you use this megaphone diplomacy, your main goal is to improve your image among your voters, show that you adopted a principled position and want to teach everyone the way they must live. The French President has said recently that he has no reason to call President Putin, but if Putin wanted to have a telephone conversation, he would pick up the phone.

Compare all the public statements by Western politicians regarding contacts with Vladimir Putin and you will see that they are unworthy of our respect. If talking is what you are interested in, the President of Russia will never refuse any contacts.

Și Maria Zaharova tranșând iluzia negocierilor de pace. (memorare, memorare)

All the above-mentioned facts prove once again that those who are attempting to oppose us on behalf of the Kiev regime are open Nazis, terrorists, as well as corrupt politicians and thieves into the bargain. Therefore, there is no alternative to implementing the goals of the special military operation.


We are witnessing an attempt to offer international legitimacy to the persecution of Russian speakers in Ukraine by creating a far-fetched legal framework for cancelling everything Russian. It seems that this is what the commission [Comisia de la Veneția] is after, along with all other structures within the Council of Europe and in the West in general.

With these double standards in plain view, we can no longer call for these partisan bodies to respond to the outrage and illegal actions perpetrated in Ukraine. Russia proceeds from the premise that delivering on the objectives of the special military operation will restore justice in Ukraine and enable ethnic groups living on its territory to enjoy all their rights.


The outcome of the PACE session shows that, instead of seeking solutions for a peaceful settlement to the conflict, the organisation is bringing grist to the mill of supporters of the military scenario. They cannot do otherwise because they are part of this “aggressive infrastructure.” They are not an independent body. They are part of NATO thinking and NATO mechanisms. By issuing endless indulgences to Kiev, the Council of Europe bodies are turning into accomplices and hostages of the neo-Nazi regime and its Western handlers. Unfortunately, there are no sane players on the Strasbourg platform today capable of preventing the further degradation of the Council of Europe. But this is no longer our problem. They’ll have to deal with it themselves.

Iată Cartea Neagră referită de MZ. (descărcare)

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One Response to Memoria

  1. Ari says:

    DAAAA, Putin este acel Om Senzațional, Flamboaiant, Magnific și mai ales… Fără Egal! Știu! 🙂
    Nu are politicieni pe măsură nici în Occident și nici în Estul Asiei, nu-i cazul să mai nuanțez aspectul.

    Cât despre afirmațiile Mariei Zaharova, acestea se încadrează perfect în cele două proceduri utilizate intens atunci când interesele sunt diferite și când negocierile secrete eșuează: biciul și zăhărelul. Fiică de diplomat fiind, ea însăși urmând o carieră de excepție (unde altundeva decât la New York?!) se exprimă nu numai delicat, ci și inteligent, lăsând totuși un colț de geam deschis Europei. De altfel, demonstrează încă o dată (deși NU mai era nevoie) intuiția ei deosebită dar și abilitatea, caracteristice esențiale în promovarea unei politici externe de calitate.

    Citez: „….organismele Consiliului Europei se transformă în complici și ostatici ai regimului neo-nazist….” – exact cum am precizat: și biciul și zăhărelul, deoarece organismele CoE NU se transformă în complici și nici în ostatici ai naziștilor de la Kiev, ci chiar se mulează PERFECT pe ceea ce a realizat Goebbels în 1943, setul său de legi reprezentând astăzi Constituția Europeană, în vreme ce întâlnirea de la Maastricht din 1991, în urma căreia s-a creat Comunitatea Economică Europeană, încununează cu succes visul masoneriei europene din 1958: integrarea economică și socială a statelor membre, transferul suveranității monetare naționale către UE, monedă unică și alte planuri și decizii care s-au regăsit inclusiv în visurile lui Dolfi Hitler de acum peste 70 de ani. Că dacă tot homo sovieticus a murit, măcar să trăiască infectul homo globalis și totalitarismul său democratic!

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