Erdogan 2.0?

Zilele acestea am auzit o sumedenie de imbecilități despre întâlnirea de la Helsinki. Din toate părțile.

Mi s-a părut interesantă opinia exprimată într-un comentariu pe TS. E oare posibil ca Marele Satan să aibă informații despre un “coup” și să le transmită la Helsinki către Trump?! (Bine, putem întreba la fel de corect: poate să nu aibă?!)

Nu am auzit de mult timp pe AM. Ca de obicei, analiza lui din TD este la punct.

BH are un punct de vedere interesant.

Interesante cuvinte ale Marelui Satan către argați:

We see that there are forces in the United States that are willing to sacrifice Russia-US relations to promote their ambitions amid the domestic political strife in America. They are ready to sacrifice the interests of their businesses, which are losing multimillion-dollar contracts and the Russian market in general, as well as jobs in the United States, even though not many, but still there are jobs in place as part of cooperation with Russia. We are talking about tens of thousands, potentially hundreds of thousands, of jobs.

They are ready to sacrifice the interests of their allies in Europe and the Middle East, in particular, those of the State of Israel. Among other things, we discussed security at the Golan Heights during the operation in Syria. Apparently, no one is interested in it. They are ready to sacrifice even their own security.


When I spoke about these forces, you know, this does not fit our political philosophy, because we have always been taught that officials working in the interests of the state, of society must think above all about and give priority to these fundamental interests. Unfortunately, there are forces in the United States that put their narrow group and party interests before national ones.

Our famous satirical writers once wrote about such people, “Miserable, wretched people!” But this is not quite so, at least not when it comes to this case. These are not miserable or wretched people. No, they are powerful and strong people who can shove – sorry for the mauvais ton – unbelievable and illogical stories in the face of millions of their citizens. Yes, they can really do this.

I am not saying this to scold or commend anyone. Absolutely not. I am saying this so that we take this into account in our practical work in the American direction. These are the facts of modern life,


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