Polul European

După ce Marele Satan și-a bătut gura propagandistică în deșert, ani la rând, despre Lumea Multipolară, nesurprinzător tema este preluată de Lumea Civilizată.

Aici, pe la noi, prin satul lui suntem europeni și avem drepturi, suntem în Polul European, firește.

Polul European nu poate fi conceput fără motorul economic german, și motorul ideatico-politic francez.

Motorul francez este, momentan, cu sigla Macron. Maestrul, desigur, este ultra-amorezat de Cultura-Civilizație franceză, prin urmare este admirativ-aspirativ pentru Micul Napoleon. (Deși în ultima vreme s-a mai domolit…) Maestrul este în starea de spirit a Elitei Pensionate de limbă română francofonă (pe cale de extincție).

Dar… să luăm aminte la mujici:

Question: Emmanuel Macron said recently that a key goal of European policy was to preserve “strategic autonomy,” preventing Europe from turning into a vassal. He also said Europe must reduce its dependence on the United States as regards weapons, energy and the dollar’s extraterritoriality (to cite Politico). He said the Europeans should wake up, think about their own interests and stop walking to the American rhythm. What does Moscow think about this statement? Does it mean that Europe is beginning to understand the essence of US policy towards the Old World?

Maria Zakharova: I don’t want to suggest any medical conclusion, but traditionally a person is deemed sound when his actions match his words. When this doesn’t happen, people around him start wondering whether he keeps his word and follows moral and ethical standards or has deeper problems.

We see France’s actions, the actions of its government, the executive authorities and the Macron administration during his second term, and this is a long time. These actions are telltale. Macron made striking statements describing NATO as brain dead, but France did not withdraw from the alliance. He made the statement, but it wasn’t matched by an action. This is for French society to judge, for its people, political scientists and politicians. They should analyse to what extent the words of their leaders are matched by their actions.

This approach and the desire of European politicians to make verbal statements about “sovereignty” in relations with the US are nothing new. They have made statements like this before, especially during the Trump presidency. In a speech at Sorbonne University in 2017, Macron insisted on the need to enhance European sovereignty. Later, in 2019, he spoke about the “brain death of NATO.” We haven’t forgotten, either, his attempts to promote a rather constructive approach to relations with Russia, notably, the start of a Russia-France strategic dialogue at his initiative at Bregancon in the summer of 2019 as a necessary step to create “an architecture of trust and security” on the European continent.

First, this statement was not matched by any practical action. Second, the steps taken by the President of France and the executive government point to the contrary. Time has shown that the correct ideas expressed by the French leader in this respect are at variance with his words.

In practice, the EU is demonstrating the complete loss of its political independence and a greater dependence on the US than two decades ago. Since the afore-mentioned speech, the EU has not even come close to perceiving itself as the third global centre of power. The EU’s inability to implement its project of European “strategic autonomy” can largely be explained by the immaturity of other European countries, and their lack of willingness to pursue a policy independent of Washington. Many of them pursue a Washington-dictated policy. As before, they want the US to resolve many political, economic and other problems for them.

The EU’s refusal to buy Russian gas at Washington’s demand is a graphic example of this. This was not just an additional resource. EU politicians themselves admitted that Russian gas guaranteed Europe’s prosperity for decades. Now this gas is being cut off and money is being spent to buy expensive weapons from the US. We see a lack of will from the EU in the Nord Stream pipeline bombing, the tapping of European leaders’ phones by US secret services, and the breaking of the French-Australian contract on building submarines, under US pressure. Talk of sovereignty is groundless.

On January 10 of this year, the EU and NATO signed an indicative joint declaration. In this document, Washington unabashedly announced the use of the EU’s political, economic and military resources for reaching its own geopolitical goals of deterring Russia, China and other sovereign states under the pretext of uniting Western civilisation (one billion people).

Paris itself has obediently joined Washington’s course of fierce confrontation with Russia and reckless support for the Kiev regime – in effect, being an accomplice in Kiev’s criminal acts. It is hard to believe in this situation that France (its ruling regime) is capable of leading a European political force that is really striving for genuine independence and strategic autonomy.

We believe that in today’s multipolar world, the majority of Europeans would benefit from an independent Europe that is guided by its own, rather than American, interests, and wants to make its residents safe and prosperous. But it is still far from reaching this goal because no amount of words is buttressed by actions.

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