
De la AM am aflat despre un site foarte interesant. (AM a primit indiciul de la LJ, care este și el interesant de urmărit.)

Articolul (memorare) referit de AM este un rezumat excelent al situației din Ucraina, incluzând o mulțime de referințe foarte bune.

În principiu articolul este despre aruncatul vinii. Concluzia este că această sarcină nu este pentru cei slabi de inimă(!).

Iată (memorare) un articol mai recent, de update. Pe scurt:

You don’t win a war with bias—you lose it. And that’s what is happening. Thus, the Russian coalition was never “on the run” or “stopped” by heroic resistance—it simply did not attack where it was expected. We did not want to listen to what Vladimir Putin had explained to us very clearly. This is why the West has thus become—volens nolens—the main architect of the Ukrainian defeat that is taking shape. Paradoxically, it is probably because of our self-proclaimed “experts” and recreational strategists on our television sets that the Ukraine is in this situation today.


Today, the perception propagated by our media is that the Russian offensive has broken down; that Vladimir Putin is crazy, irrational and therefore ready to do anything to break the deadlock in which he supposedly finds himself. In this totally emotional context, the question asked by Republican Senator Marco Rubio during Victoria Nuland’s hearing before Congress was strange, to say the least: “If there is a biological or chemical weapon incident or attack inside the Ukraine, is there any doubt in your mind that 100% it would be the Russians behind it?” Naturally, she answered that there is no doubt. Yet there is absolutely no indication that the Russians are using such weapons. Besides, the Russians finished destroying their stockpiles in 2017, while the Americans have not yet destroyed theirs.

Perhaps this means nothing. But in the current atmosphere, all the conditions are now met for an incident to happen that would push the West to become more involved, in some form, in the Ukrainian conflict (a “false-flag” incident).

Iată (memorare) un rezumat despre naziukr.

LE: sunt mai multe articole-traduceri din Alexander Dugin. Ceea ce poate fi interesant, dar cam pute.

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