Știința și tehnica

Trăim, cu adevărat, în vremuri interesante.

Un articol interesant pe tema medicinii moderne, al lui JM (via TS). (memorare)

In the XIX century, the respected doctor Peter Lahan wrote that, “The practice of medicine is besieged on one side by charlatanry and on the other by science.” And in the report covering an international medical congress held in 1985 we read that “…in the Western industrialized world, medicine is claimed to be a homogeneous, well defined, contradiction-free resource field, and a solid common good for society, but actually it is a profoundly contradictory and problematic resource…. for the deepening of the diagnostic gaze and the strengthening of therapeutic means have changed the cultural background on which concepts, values and symbols concerned with human health and its opposites: disease, precarious aging and premature death, are based.

The doctor, from a direct contact with the patient and his environment, has gradually developed an increasingly mediated relationship: a technological mediation often exasperating and destabilizing. This changed relationship tends to close the spaces that belong to the patient as a person… The technological boom in contemporary medicine and the uncontainable increase in healthcare expenditure risk being paid for by a decrease in profit, economically, and by a growing dissatisfaction of the health-care providers and especially of the health-care provided in terms of well-being.

The dissatisfaction of patients, regarding their own well-being, due to a techno-medicine often more efficient than effective, is the fertile ground that has yielded a renewed breed of healers, exorcists, sorcerers and wizards.”

This was said in a Medical Congress in 1985. 35 years later, the needle has further shifted towards technology and mechanization.

O legătură foarte interesantă între religie (în particular, retragerea ei) și știința medicală modernă:

The decline of religion and religious feelings in the West has been widely documented. But the sense of the Transcendent, of which religion is a conduit, never completely dies out in humans. When religion fails, a vacuum remains. Techno-medicine seems the nearest alternative – in time, moment and properties – to fill the vacuum and give the Transcendent a substitute habitation and a name.

To conclude, the implied purpose of medicine is to extend life indefinitely, which, lexically speaking, is a definition of immortality. The paradox cannot be denied. For, as of now, all that lives still must die, passing through nature to eternity.

În acest sens, mi s-a părut deosebit de potrivit un pasaj dintr-un articol al RT, referitor la recenta dispută privind vaccinul Astra-Zeneca:

Some Norwegians, however, were apparently ready to take their chances, deadly side-effects or not, in the name of saving humanity. Earlier this week, journalist Linn Wiik declared she would “love to die” from AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine if her sacrifice would help humanity to win the war against the virus.

Foarte interesantă este această folosire a terminologiei de război împotriva. Tot RT ne detaliază:

“Some must be sacrificed in the war against the corona,” Wiik wrote on Monday in an opinion piece for Norway’s TV 2. “That’s the way it is in all wars. This time, it may well be me.” Her headline stated bluntly:

“I would love to die from the AstraZeneca vaccine.”

Citind aceste lucruri, întâi mi-am făcut cruce. Dar, după un pic de reflecție, am realizat că este absolut normal. Noul, bravul NORMAL! Doamne, îndură-te de noi, păcătoșii!

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