
JM despre puterea mitului. (memorare)

If Plato had lived in our historical times, he might have somewhat modified the allegory, by introducing two caves, at least until 1989, an Eastern and a Western. The inhabitants of each could see what happened in the other, thus being aware of their respective limitations. As an escapee from the cave of Eastern Europe said after knowing the West, “All our government said about the East was false, but all they said about the West was true.”

For good or for bad, today there is only one cave left, and their dwellers, especially the Millennials, by default, design or destiny ignore that another world can exist and is possible, outside the cave of turbo-capitalism, statelessness, universal homologation, nihilism and the New World Order.

It would be desirable that they could become aware of it. But wishes in this world are generally vain, and in the next we shall make none.

AM despre rescrierea istoriei. (memorare)

SL – MGIMO Uzbekistan. (memorare)

SL- diplomația în 2019. (memorare)

Iohanis 20 ian 2020. 24 ian 2020. 16 ian 2020. Și tot 16 ian 2020. 15 ian 2020. Ziua Culturii Naționale. 9 ian 2020. 7 ian 2020. Tot 7 ian 2020. CSU.

Israelul a găzduit un eveniment de comemorare a victimelor Holocaustului. ILD mă duce la sursa imaginilor. Am selectat.






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