
Până acum nu am văzut zăpada.

MS și-a ținut conferința de presă anuală. (memorare, memorare)

MS la reuniunea viitoarei uniuni.

Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, First President of Kazakhstan and Honorary Chairman of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council Nursultan Nazarbayev and President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbay Jeenbekov held a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council. President of Moldova Igor Dodon also attended the meeting in expanded format.

Pe aceeași temă. (memorare, memorare)

The summit was attended by Vladimir Putin, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, first President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbay Jeenbekov, President of Moldova Igor Dodon, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

SL – interviu pentru Srpski Telegraf.

Question: You have visited Belgrade several times. What did you like the most and what made the strongest impression?

Sergey Lavrov: The most important thing in Serbia is its people, of course. Their traditional hospitality and friendliness can be felt everywhere, and this was the most vivid and pleasant impression.

I can say honestly that when visiting Belgrade, both my colleagues and I, always feel at home there. And there is nothing surprising about this because our two really fraternal nations are united by common cultural and civilisational roots, spiritual ties and the warmest friendship and affinity.

UN despre nazism, la inițiativa obielelor împuțite. (memorare)

This year, the number of the document’s co-authors reached 62. An overwhelming majority of states (133) supported the resolution. As in the previous years, only the delegations of the United States and Ukraine voted against, and 52 countries, including EU member states, abstained.

AM, și AM. (memorare, memorare)

Lie permeates the Washington’s corridors of power, it is everywhere, it oozes from the pages of news papers and magazines, it is dissolved to a dangerous poisonous levels in the economy statistics, it is being squeezed from non-stop useless public opinion polls, lies penetrated even into decision making levels of military and even manufacturing. No wonder the US can no longer shake off this sticky feelings of things not going right. They don’t and it cannot be other way because everything is being fueled by lie. They lied about Iraq, they lie about Afghanistan, they lie about Russia. They need a cover for their gigantic egos and disproportionately puny abilities which feed those egos. And they do it in full consciousness because that is who they are. Once American meritocracy was killed, this outcome was inevitable–the trash moved in. But one cannot lie non-stop and those bubbles of lies, big and small, are beginning to pop practically non-stop. And this popping sound generates more and more aggression in a desperate attempt to prevent popping of the biggest bubble of them all–a myth, which is one of the iterations of lie, of the American omnipotence. Cold War 2.0 in their opinion can give them, as they thought would be with, now completely discredited, Russiagate, at least some new lease on life in their privileged positions. But they are wrong, after all, in that they lied not only to the public but to themselves too. They can not do anything else anymore and release of the papers on Afghanistan and 3-year long exhibition of a collective madness in sabotaging American governance, however inept, and Constitution, illuminated a staggering scale of rot and corruption of the Empire. Now it is just a matter of time before house of cards comes crushing down. Something built on lies in our modern world doesn’t live that long. Not to mention when being run by ass-holes.



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