Gaura neagră

Excelent articolul lui Orlov (da, da: iunie 2015).

Federația Rusă “colaborează” tehnico-militar cu Venezuela.

Veo o comite, din nou, cu niște evrei.

Lavrov, fiind Lavrov:

[…] I would like to make one general remark. Karl Marx used to say that people’s social being determines consciousness, and the economy determines politics. Even the classic of Marxism did not prioritise ideology; he considered the economy to be the foundation of relations. Today, the adepts of capitalism are using the opposite of Marxist views. I know that they insist in Europe and America that business should proceed from the need to sacrifice the economy to politics. This is a statement of a fact.

Doctrina Monroe… și-a ei ceată.

IC dă cu dracu’ după el. Ce l-o fi apucat?!

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