Daily Archives: May 21, 2024

Pentru insectar

Liiceanu, Marele Înțelept al Cetății. https://www.bunicuta.net/upload/video/Interviurile%20%c8%99tirileprotv.ro%20Gabriel%20Liiceanu%20Ru%c8%99ii%20tr%c4%83iesc%20de%208%20secole%20cu%20instinctul%20de%20invadare-edit.mp4 Cum ai zis, neicușorule?! https://www.bunicuta.net/upload/video/Frank%20Zappa-%20The%20Mothers%20Of%20Invention%20-%20Im%20The%20Slime%20-Visualizer-.mp3

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Pentru memorie

VN, la UNSC. (memorare) Our Western colleagues seem to have developed a tradition to gather us here monthly for meetings on Ukraine, the sole purpose of which is to demonstrate the steadfast collective West’s support for Zelensky’s regime, which balances … Continue reading

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MS – conferința de presă. (memorare, memorare) https://www.bunicuta.net/upload/video/ms-press-2024-5-17.mp4 MS- cu studenții. (memorare, memorare) https://www.bunicuta.net/upload/video/ms-stud-2024-5-17.mp4 Declarații de presă comune. (memorare, memorare) Declarația comună. (memorare)

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