Occidentul cel Pașnic

La Mulți Ani, dragi pelerini!

Vom continua, se pare, și în acest an, să suferim agresiunea ilegală și neprovocată a Mordorului asupra noastră, asupra Pașnicului Occident Colectiv.

Marele Satan nu are odihnă. Chiar în Sfânta Zi a Anului Nou s-a întâlnit cu orcile criminale. (memorare, memorare)

Alexander Dublyanin: Comrade Supreme Commander-in-Chief,

During the special military operation we are liberating Russian territory. How do you feel about Western countries helping our enemy?

Vladimir Putin: The point is not that they are helping our enemy. They are our enemy. They are solving their own problems with their hands. That is what it is all about. This has been the case for centuries, unfortunately, and continues to be the case today.

Ukraine itself is not our enemy whereas those who want to destroy Russian statehood and to achieve, as they say, a strategic defeat of Russia on the battlefield, are mainly in the West, but still, there are different people there. There are people who sympathise with us and who are with us at heart. But there are the elites who think the existence of Russia (at least in its current state and size) is unacceptable. They want to disintegrate it. As a matter of fact, you are young people, some have read about this, perhaps: they do not hide it. They speak and write about this publicly, and have been doing it for decades, if we are talking about contemporary history. For decades, they have simply been writing frankly about it: divide Russia into five parts, one is too much. I can talk about this till morning, but it is obvious.

Therefore, they have been nurturing the Kiev regime for quite a long time, precisely to create this conflict. Unfortunately for us, they have achieved this: they started this conflict and are trying to achieve their objective, namely the task of fighting Russia, with the help of Ukrainians.


Vladimir Putin: What has happened in Belgorod is of course a terrorist attack. Why? Because of what they have done under the cover of two missiles – I think it was Olkha: they fired from multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS). You, as military people, know what MLRS is. This weapon is not selective, it hits areas. This weapon struck right in the centre of the city, where people were walking before the New Year. It was a targeted strike on the civilian population. Of course, this is a terrorist attack; there is no other way to describe it.

Should we respond in kind? Of course, we can hit squares in Kiev or any other city. But Denis, there are children walking there, mothers with strollers. I understand, because I am quite angry, too, but I want to ask you: do we need to do this, target the squares?

Kind reminder: Acu’ câteva zile, ca răspuns la teroare, în Belgorod s-a dat o lecție usturătoare nerușinării criminale a Mordorului. (memorare)

Nu vă gândiți la noi, ucrainenii: gândiți-vă la voi, la Lumea Liberă! Dacă nu ne omorâți pe noi, până la ultimul ucrainean, Marele Satan vă va păpa pe negustatelea! Fiți serioși: marcați!

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