
MS, despre unitatea națională. (memorare, memorare)

It has always been this way. Let’s recall the days of, say, Prince Alexander Nevsky. He traveled to the Horde, bowed to the Khan and obtained a yarlyk [Khan’s edict] for his reign, primarily to be able to effectively resist the invasion of the West. Why? Because the Horde, arrogant and cruel as it was, never threatened our greatest treasure – our language, traditions, and culture, something the Western conquerors were eager to suppress. And this is the most important thing, because if a nation’s culture, traditions, and history are destroyed, the group will gradually begin to disappear as an ethnos, will melt like snow in late spring.

Why is Alexander Nevsky one of the most revered saints in Russia? Because of that policy choice he made. He thought about preserving the Russian people as a nation, and later supported all other communities living in our vast country.

In many ways, the same thing is happening today, when we say that we are defending our moral values, our history, our culture, our language, including by helping our brothers and sisters in Donbass and Novorossiya to do the same. This is the key to today’s events.

Desigur, pentru noi, românii, identitatea este superfluă… Mai ales azi.

AS despre reconcilierea Est-Vest. (memorare)

MoA. (memorare)

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