
care nu este ultimatum.

La întâlnirea cu conducerea Ministerului Apărării, Marele Satan a făcut referire și la ceea ce multă lume consideră un ultimatum. (memorare, memorare)

Serghei Riabcov explică, pe îndelete, despre ce este vorba, într-un interviu pentru Interfax. (memorare, memorare)

Sergey Ryabkov: We do not speak in the language of ultimatums with anyone. We have a responsible attitude towards our own security and the security of others. The point is not that we have issued an ultimatum, not at all, but that the seriousness of our warning must not be underestimated.


[…] we unequivocally demand that NATO withdraw the decision adopted at its Bucharest summit in 2008 that Ukraine and Georgia become NATO members. That decision should be called off and revised, which will be seen as a small, not comprehensive, but small step in the right direction. The West does not appear ready to do this. This is why our comprehensive, all-encompassing proposals raise a number of outstanding issues, primarily for the United States but also for its allies, which should be settled urgently. We are monitoring their reaction, which is not encouraging so far. We are ready for talks on this basis, but so far we can only see that our proposals have been rejected under far-fetched pretexts.

The statement adopted by the North Atlantic Council on December 16 is vivid proof of this. Ninety percent of the text consists of time-worn ultimatums to Russia. We are not issuing any ultimatums to anyone, and we will not allow others to do this towards us. The statement goes on to say that what Russia demands, what it is demanding, is not an outstretched hand but a harsh demand, which allegedly has nothing to do with NATO. The alliance is free to decide which countries can join it, and NATO’s relationship with Ukraine is a matter only for Ukraine and the 30 NATO Allies.

No, this is much more a matter concerning Russia, as I am stating clearly now. The time of diplomatic parlance is over. We have to explain things at the elementary level, to spell them out. The potential NATO membership of Ukraine is above all a matter of concern for the Russian Federation.


[…] We understand they need time to read all this, discuss it and wrap their minds around it. As I understand it, certain discussions on this took place on December 16, at NATO and in the European Union. This is all clear. But by and large, if they confirmed their readiness to meet urgently and negotiate on the basis of our documents – our documents provide a framework for a certain negotiation process – this would be a good answer. True, we cannot be sure – we know this from the experience of many negotiations – that we will immediately reach an agreement in just a few days. Not at all; these are serious matters, but the process needs to start now. It cannot be delayed, given the situation in all its complexity and the totality of problematic aspects.


[…] Now the Bucharest Nine comes into play. This is the most anti-Russia wing in NATO and the EU, with which the White House conducted special consultations, apparently explaining its own interpretations of our proposals – I don’t know, this is just my supposition. Now the situation has changed. They are imposing on others its internal NATO and internal EU narrative that Dostoyevsky, whose 200th birthday we just observed, would have described as “anything goes,” absolutely anything. These people are simply removing the limits of what is possible and acceptable in discussing various issues. But they ignore the fact that following the same logic as NATO, we will take care of our security ourselves and will sooner or later start pushing the limits of what is acceptable for us. We have already expressed our opinion in a slightly different way and will continue speaking out. So, this is a serious issue.

Alexander Grușko îi ține isonul. (memorare, memorare)

If our concerns are disregarded and NATO countries are not ready to show military restraint, we will have to use the response instruments at our disposal. There is no other option. If the other side decides to project, let alone use force, that is, if it applies its defence capability as a means of economic or political pressure, this will be unacceptable to Russia, and we will find methods to neutralise these threats.

Părerea mea este că semnalele militare pe care le observă Rusia arată un nivel critic al disperării Occidentului. Occidentul este pe punctul de a declanșa războiul împotriva Rusiei. În aceste condiții, va fi Rusia cea care va lovi prima?

UPDATE 23.12.2021: AM se referă, la începutul emisiunii, la un discurs al lui Stalin din 5 mai 1941. Un discurs care nu a fost publicat decât recent. L-am găsit în facsimil. (memorare, memorare) /UPDATE

UPDATE 27.12.2021: SL, în interviu la RT. (memorare, memorare)



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One Response to Ultimatumul…

  1. Io* nu știu ce atâta pierdere de timp pe tema asta.
    Doar e clar că nu se ajunge la nici un compromis util între 2 poziții incompatibile:

    a) politica cowboilor înseamnă tupeu, nesimțire și provocare. Ceea ce simulează yankeii nu este decât un concurs nedisimulat de băgat bețe-n roate.

    b) dacă Rusia afirmă răspicat că nu va permite NATO să se pishe pe gardul din fața curții ei, ATUNCI ACEST AVERTISMENT RĂMÂNE BĂTUT ÎN CUIE și nu comportă nici un fel de negocieri.
    A dovedit în Georgia că nu permite pishați yankei pe împrejmuirile teritoriului, O VA DOVEDI CU PRISOSINȚĂ și în Ucraina.

    Și-atunci, în condițiile în care se prefigurează „niet reșenia” Io* cred că Czar Putin I cel Groaznik ar trebui să soluționeze irevocabil acest bâlci inutil:

    “В путь”

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