
noastră dragă. Iacă, la yalensis, în actul I și în actul II. (memorare și memorare)

“I really just don’t respect the Ukrainians, and that’s all there is to it. Do you know how Ukrainians and our own people relate to their own history? Ukrainians don’t respect their own history. They are eternally rewriting it, and changing it. In general, they don’t even know their own history. In our country people regard history differently; in Russia, History is a whole science, to which we relate very seriously.

“For example, in the Ukraine, they think they are snow-white and pure, and everybody around them is at fault. […]

“Furthermore, the Ukrainians don’t love their own motherland, […]

Despre istorie:

Расул Гамзатов говорил: не стреляй в прошлое из пистолета ,а то будущее выстрелит в тебя из пушки.

și (re)scrierea ei:

Those who rewrite their own history can never become a great nation. One can interpret history in various ways, but it is not permitted to rewrite the facts, especially for one’s own benefit. That is dangerous. One can extract a lesson from every defeat. But if a person or a society never admits their own weaknesses, then they will eternally be stepping onto the same rake, over and over. Just like in sports, if you are unable to extract a lesson from your defeat, then you will never again be able to win.

Da, exactly: Halep! Halep!

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