Despre Biserică

Din Anglia Ortodoxă, cităm:

French intellectualism, expressed mainly by descendants of Russian aristocrats, freemasons and dreamers in the Rue Daru emigration of those who had betrayed the Tsar, proposed a Paris-centred (how could it be otherwise in the land of Napoleon?) Jurisdiction. Naturally, they themselves would be in power. Their models were political – the deeply-troubled OCA and the highly controversial parishes in Finland under Constantinople. Lost in clouds of philosophy, they expressed words and not deeds and forgot that such a Jurisdiction would need the canonical support of at least one Patriarchate, financial backing from the grassroots and also an infrastructure in the form of a property network of monasteries and parishes.

[…] And one Rue Daru parish or family after another returned to the Russian Church, went bankrupt, fell into disrepair or simply closed down, forcing the ever smaller group to rely on rented premises. The whole arrogant project, not passed on to the following generation, isolated from the Orthodox mainstream and marred by aggressive new calendarism and ecumenism which mocked the values of faithful Orthodox, seemed more like just another irrelevant sub-department of the Vatican’s Uniat fantasy. Perhaps it was.

[…] In Great Britain, actually England, insularist Anglican academic Establishmentism proposed a ‘British Orthodox Church’. Made up largely of elderly upper middle-class people, retired vicars and academics, with direct or indirect links to the Rue Daru elite, its philosophy was equally unreal. Born from the tiny elite of the British Establishment, it took no note at all of the fact that the oppressive Establishment is alien to most people who live in the British Isles, and even more in the inherent geographical part of the Isles, in Ireland. After all, the Establishment is originally a blood-soaked import from the barbaric Norman elite in 1066. This compromised itself successively in the oppression of the English, the Welsh, the Irish and the Scots, and then the rest of the world, in slave-trading and exploitative imperialist genocides. In a word, there is no such thing as Britain. Like ‘the Ukraine’, it is a purely political construct and therefore there can never be any such thing as ‘British Orthodoxy’.


With the vast majority of Orthodox in the Russian Church paralysed for most of the twentieth century, but reviving dangerously, in their view, since the official fall of atheism in Moscow in 1991, in Turkey the Greek racist Phanariots panicked. So these pro-LGBT gerontocrats and Young Turks further extended and developed the use of the code-word for Greek Imperialism, ‘Pan-Orthodox’. How could these fantasists justify the universal rule of a non-universal Empire which in any case had been wiped off the face of the earth five and a half centuries before? They spent a large amount of US dollars on a pseudo-Council in Crete and then set about shamelessly invading the canonical territories of other Local Churches, under US State Department orders. (This was instead of sending out missions to the 7.3 billion of the Non-Orthodox world; no doubt they can wait another millennium to hear the Gospel).

However, today Phanariot corruption by embezzlement, bribery and blackmail, has been displayed before the whole world. Their megalomaniac and navel-gazing talking shops, ‘Pan-Orthodox’ Episcopal Assemblies, agreed to by Russian naivety, are now thankfully dead. Phyletist (the Greek word for racist) Greek grandstanding is dead with it. The Papist project of making the whole world into Greek-controlled ‘autonomous’ parts of the absurdly-named, Turkish ‘Oecumenical Patriarchate’ has become the laughing-stock of the whole still Orthodox world. The days of treachery, cowardice and deceit, to use the concise and precise formula of the martyred Tsar Nicholas II, are over. Another fantasy has bitten the dust. […]


The Western calendar has over the last 95 years taken control of some 20% of the Orthodox world – Constantinople (except Mt Athos), Antioch, Alexandria, Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia and Albania have all been infected. Only those in the 80% of the Churches of Jerusalem, Russia, Serbia, Georgia and Poland have remained faithful. Now many will say: So what? The fact is that though the calendar in itself may not be so important, it is a symbol. Once you have adopted the Western calendar, you have adopted the Western mentality. You are heading for the exit door of the Church. That is just a fact. As an example, of the fourteen Local Churches, one has even more or less completely fallen away, both theologically and therefore practically, from Orthodoxy, that is, the US puppet Church in Constantinople (Istanbul). And that is precisely the Church that, after a £100,000 bribe from the Anglicans nearly 100 years ago, introduced the Western calendar, so liturgically senseless from an Orthodox viewpoint. It has now reached the exit door, amid scandal after scandal.

There is worse to come. Playing the nationalist card of flattering the local chauvinists, the Western world is now trying its devil’s best to dismantle the Russian Orthodox Church, especially in Estonia and the Ukraine, but if possible in the Baltics, Belarus and Moldova also. The same tactic has been adopted against the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro and Macedonia. Attacks have also been made against the Churches of Antioch, Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria and Romania. Can the Russian Orthodox Church, supporting and supported by, the best elements in the other Local Churches, win? Only if first, Russian Society and the Russian State have been converted. Ever since the Ukrainian crisis, we have been at a critical turning-point, living on a knife edge. Something has to change. We cannot go on like this much longer. This is make or break time for the Church of God. Either we shall live on, even by the grace of God prospering, or else the end of the world really is coming and this is it.


Q: What is the difference between low self-esteem and humility?

A: Low self-esteem comes from being humiliated, insulted and bullied. The victim of humiliation and bullying stops believing in themselves and doubts everyone and everything and can hate themselves and even self-mutilate. However, this is in contradiction with the last two words of the commandments, to love God and love our neighbour as ourselves. We must love ourselves. Not because we are anything other than sinners, but because God loves us. Anyone who believes or has experienced that fact that God loves them, will not fall victim to low self-esteem, but will become humble. Low self-esteem is the result of believing in the opinions and actions of nasty narcissists and sadistic bullies, whatever rank they may hold, more than in God.

Și, mai ales:

Firstly, it is only when we have understood that Christ the Son of God is the Saviour of the World, Who Alone, unlike all the other founders of faiths in the history of the world, is Risen from the dead, are we Christians. And once we have understood that Orthodoxy alone is this Christian Faith that He gave us, then we have understood that all other institutions which call themselves ‘Christian’ or ‘Christianity’ are not this. They are not of the Church of God. In reality, they preserve only fragments and vestiges, the outward signs of the Church, and thus are only illusory substitutions for the Church. In reality, in the West the words Christianity and Christian have for centuries been abused and twisted for the self-justification of its elite and of those whom that elite has ‘Westernized’, that is, those who, flattering themselves, have fallen for their proud delusions of grandeur. Once it is realized that Christianity is Orthodoxy, and not some much later, second-millennium distortion, specific and local to the barbarian culture of the Western elite, then it is clear that the expression ‘The Church’ can only mean The Orthodox Church and nothing else.

The proof of this is in the history of the Western elite, with its repeated campaigns of mass organized violence against all others over the past thousand years. This proof is in its technologically highly advanced but actually extremely crude and cruel war machine, with continual invasions and highly aggressive exploitation of all peoples (serfdom, physical slavery and then economic and political slavery) and its specific attempts to destroy the Church and Her Christian Civilization: the ‘Crusades’, the sack of Christian Rome in 1204, the Teutonic Knights, the repeated Western invasions of Russia after 1453 by the Poles, the Swedes and Napoleon, then the Crimean War, the two invasions of Russia which were part of World Wars, the foundation of NATO, the Western manipulations of Constantinople, especially since 1948, and today’s creation of a fictitious Church in the Ukraine as a vehicle for Western propaganda. Real Christians would never have behaved murderously like this. So it is clear that these Westerners are not Christians, they are not of the Church, whatever they may claim to justify their self-aggrandizing delusions.

Secondly, history tells us that the Centre of the Church was transferred in 330 from Pagan Old Rome, on account of its interfering heathen heritage, to Christian New Rome (Constantinople). And also that after the occupation of New Rome, much weakened by its bloodthirsty sack by ‘Christian’ (sic!) Westerners in 1204 and Greek nationalist apostates (the same ones as today), by Muslims in 1453, the Centre moved again. This time it moved to Holy Rus, which therefore came to be called ‘The Third Rome’. Once you know this, you understand that for anyone who does not belong to one of the nationalities catered for on the territories of one of the thirteen small and mononational Local Orthodox Churches (Romanian, Serbian, Greek, Bulgarian, Georgian, African, Arab, Polish, Cypriot, Albanian and Czechoslovak) you have to belong to the multinational and multilingual Russian Orthodox Church. This has over 70 nationalities already. After all, the Church of Holy Rus is 75% of the whole Church and has a long and distinguished missionary history, founding new Churches around the world and then granting them independence, so that they can stand on their own feet.

However, it is also true that this title ‘The Third Rome’ has sometimes been abused as a slogan and excuse for Russian State interference, for chauvinistic nationalism, formalist ritualism and pharisaical fanaticism. Indeed, it was that hypocritical and formalistic spirit which aided in the Western-orchestrated overthrow of the Russian Orthodox world in 1917 and its handing over to alien atheists for martyrdom by Satanists. For the mere existence of the Russian Orthodox world was preventing the Western elite from its ultimate diabolical ambition of world domination which has burned in them ever since 1492 and so they had to attempt to destroy Her. That nationalist, ritualistic, false ‘Third Rome’ spirit is quite different from the actual Christian spirit of the Russian Orthodox Church. This is an Imperial, multinational Church, whose mission is to convert to Orthodoxy the whole Non-Orthodox world outside the territories of the thirteen small Local Churches. Hence our repeated suggestion that the Russian Orthodox Patriarchate be renamed The Patriarchate of New Jerusalem and All Rus. In this way Her new name will represent Her essence.


Q: Where is the centre of the Church, Constantinople or Moscow? And who therefore is its Head?

A: The administrative centre of the Church changes over time. However, the spiritual centre of the Church is for all time Jerusalem, the place of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection, and nowhere else. Her Head is Christ, the Risen God, and no-one else. Any other opinions are theological, historical and racist nonsense.

Orthodox Civilization

Q: People talk about ‘Orthodox Christian Civilization or Western Secularist Civilization’. But what practically is the difference?

A: (Orthodox) Christian Civilization proclaims the Gospel words, that we must ‘seek first the kingdom of heaven’ because that is our destiny after our inevitable death. In other words, we put God first. As a result the lives of men and women must be dedicated to churches and monasteries and bringing up in family life children, the rising generation, to fill them. Men are programmed to be providers, to sacrifice themselves to care for wives and children (this is called being husbands and fathers), mothers are programmed to sacrifice themselves to bring children into the world and bring them up.

Western Secularist (anti-Christian) Civilization is an Anti-Civilization because it alone is not based on spiritual values. It puts money (mammon in the form of the dollar or capital, worshipped in the idolatry and ideology of Capitalism) and material well-being first. The result is that it destroys and pollutes the planet through raping its natural resources with incessant wars for the sake of capitalist consumerism. As regards the lives of men and women, they are subject to individualism, another word for narcissistic egoism, which is the curse of modern Western society, with its indulgences and permissiveness, which result in sexual debauchery and disease and very common mental and physical illnesses, resulting from the consumption of drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, anti-depressants and narcotics. To hell with bringing up children; the vanity of narcissism has no place for them – hence abortion. This is why Western (and Westernized) societies are literally dying out, with populations shrinking and female fertility and sperm counts rapidly falling.


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