Hari Bucur-Marcu

Eram îngrijorat că neglijăm denunțarea tratatului INF. De-acum m-am liniștit: Hari Bucur-Marcu, expertul nostru pe probleme de securitate națională, ne spune că totul este sub control, și că să stăm la locurili noastre. Umbrela NATO veghează pentru/peste noi.

Cum, mă, nespălatule pe obiele, nu știi cine este Hari Bucur-Marcu?! Ești un mujic prost, cu creierul distrus de distilat de pufoaică. Iată:

Hari Bucur-Marcu

Expert international in materia apararii nationale

Hari Bucur-Marcu are o experienta de decenii in mediul international, pe problematici legate de institutionalizarea domeniului apararii nationale, controlul democratic al sistemelor de securitate nationala, politici de securitate si de aparare nationala. Ofiter de aviatie si fost sef al Serviciului Strategii de Aparare la Statul Major General, detine titlul de doctor in stiinte militare, obtinut in 2001 la Academia de Inalte Studii Militare cu teza “Implicatii economice in planificarea apararii nationale a Romaniei”. In perioada 1990 – 2003 a fost responsabil sau direct implicat in aspecte esentiale ale reformei Armatei Romaniei, cu deosebire in relatia cu NATO, si a lucrat nemijlocit in structurile Aliantei ca sef de sectie invatamant si instructie. A publicat carti si articole pe subiecte din domeniu, oferind expertiza internationala. Este cavaler al Ordinului National “Pentru merit”, ca recunoastere a contributiei sale la integrarea Romaniei in NATO.

No, vită-boule! EXPERT! Ai auzit, animalule?!

Iar despre tovarășul Putin, ia de-aici, scursură bolșevică:

[…] Volodya makes decisions based on snap judgments, rather than long deliberation. He’s vindictive and petty. He holds grudges and deeply hates being made fun of. He is said to dislike long, complicated briefings and to find reading policy papers onerous.

[…] the Mr. Putin I know reacts to events instead of proactively developing a long-term strategy.


[…] Mr. Putin’s Russia will never be democracy’s friend. Volodya’s Russia wants to divide and to destroy democracies. To that end, Volodya employs his Kremlin apparatus, notably the shadowy and largely unknown Presidential Property Administration of the Russian Federation, or UdPRF.


[…] Mr. Putin is running scared these days. His recent election may have been guaranteed; his future is anything but.

Why? Because Volodya has no one watching his back. Mayor Sobchak and President Yeltsin hired and promoted him because of his personal loyalty, but both are long dead. The Mr. Putin I knew back then allowed his superiors to accumulate huge wealth, and then he shielded them from indictment. He built a protective wall around Mr. Sobchak even as the mayor was caching millions of dollars in Paris. Later, as head of Mr. Yeltsin’s F.S.B., Mr. Putin quashed an investigation of the Yeltsin family by the prosecutor general at the time, Yuri Skuratov, by vouching for the authenticity of a fuzzy video of a man said to be Mr. Skuratov in bed with two prostitutes. And in his first hours as acting president of the Russian Federation on Dec. 31, 1999, Volodya wrote a decree that pardoned Mr. Yeltsin and his family from any criminal charges.

But there are no such decrees in Volodya’s future. It has long been rumored that he has a huge fortune stashed away. But if that is true, it is likely held by friends, associates or even some of the criminals Mr. Putin has made filthy rich.

So, my question is: When Volodya finally leaves power, will those filthy-rich friends, associates and co-conspirators give him back any of those billions?

Somehow, I don’t think so. I’ve lived in Russia. Sharing’s not the Russian way.

Понимаешь, gloabă?!

Cum ai putea pricepe, cap de ciumă roșie, lingător de dos al satrapului desfrânat, Volodea?!

LOL! “Noi suntem români, noi suntem români…

Hari Bucur-Marcu! Respect!

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