Libertatea cuvântului…

DACĂ este consonant. Ce vreți, mă, inadecvaților: să punem în pericol Grădina Boreliană?!

Cred că acțiunea este inutilă. Vocea Europei e de nivelul cei care o urmăresc sunt fie psiho-dereglați, fie o fac pentru știință și documentare. Iar cei care urmăresc celelalte trei gazete – o vor face în continuare. La fel cum s-a întâmplat cu RT (Russia Today).

Singurul beneficiu al acțiunii hotărâte de apărare a democrației(!) este de a convinge pe cei încă neconvinși că ceva e putred în Danemarca.

Sunt convins că e de bine.

BTW: RIA este blocată în România încă deodată cu RT. Ce înseamnă să fii cu un pas înaintea vremilor! LOL!

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Să vină duba! Urgent!

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Istoria, ghimpele din talpă

Ieri, fiind 9 mai, moment de amintire.

Today we are honouring our fathers and grandfathers and grand-grandfathers. They defended their native land and crushed Nazism, liberated the peoples of Europe and displayed unparalleled heroism in combat and on the home front.

Today, we are witnessing attempts to distort the truth about World War II. This truth is a sore for those who have developed a habit of basing their effectively colonial policy on duplicity and lies. They are tearing down memorials to those who really fought Nazism, erecting monuments to traitors and Hitler’s accomplices and erasing the memory of the heroism and noble spirit of the liberators and the great sacrifice they made for the sake of all life on Earth.

Harbouring revanchist sentiments, making a mockery of history, and seeking to justify present-day Nazi followers is part of what constitutes a common policy of Western elites to fuel regional conflicts, inter-ethnic and inter-religious strife and to contain sovereign and independent centres of global development.

We reject exceptionalist claims of any country or alliance. We know what this unchecked ambition may lead to. Russia will do utmost to avoid a global confrontation but it will not allow itself to be threatened. Our strategic forces are always in combat readiness.

The West would love to forget the lessons of World War II, but we remember that the destiny of humankind was decided during the colossal battles of Moscow, Leningrad, Rzhev, Stalingrad, Kursk, Kharkov, Minsk, Smolensk and Kiev, and in the intense and bloody fighting from Murmansk to the Caucasus and the Crimea.

For the first three long and harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Union, along with all its constituent republics, fought the Nazis virtually single-handedly, while the virtually of all Europe worked to support the Nazi war machine.

But let me emphasise: Russia has never belittled the significance of the Second Front or that of Allied assistance. We honour the valor of all members of the Anti-Hitler Coalition, the Resistance Movement, the underground movement and guerrillas, as well as the courage displayed by the peoples of China fighting for their independence against militarist Japan’s aggression. We will forever remember and we will never forget our joint struggle and the inspiring traditions of alliance.

Iată, în câteva fraze simple, tot Zeitgeist-ul în care ne bălăcim zilnic.

BTW, ce ziceați, Maestre, despre Mareșal?! LOL!

UPDATE 14 mai 2024: Am aflat de la AM (memorare) despre articolul rezumativ de la SCF (memorare). AM subliniază frauda Soljenițească. Eu vreau să subliniez frauda Lumii Libere.

It needs also to be remembered that World War Two and the Nazi regime did not happen out of mysterious random happenstance. It was the culmination of imperialist politics, economics and rivalry. Nazi Germany was built up by Western capital in the 1930s during a collapse in Western capitalism to serve imperial interests of destroying the Soviet Union and any emerging socialist alternative.

Admittedly, eventually the Western powers sided with the Soviet Union (late in the war, it should be noted) but that wartime alliance was merely cobbled together to eliminate a perceived Nazi rogue regime that had grown to endanger Western interests. That is, the involvement of Western elites in WWII was one of expedience, not an imperative necessity based on principle. The proof of that is the subsequent and sudden treachery of the Western powers who turned hostile towards their Soviet wartime ally as soon as WWII was over and the beginning of the Cold War during which the Western powers recruited Nazi remnants to fight covertly against the Soviet Union. Some of the earliest recruits for the CIA and Britain’s MI6 were Ukrainian and Baltic fascists who had collaborated with the Nazi regime.


The Western elites by necessity must also bury the historical truth that the Second World War was borne out of imperialist conflict. Nazi Germany was driven not just by its fanatical hatred of Jews, Slavs and Communism, but also by colonial conquest of others’ resources.

It was a land grab just like the Western powers exploit Africa and the Global South for resources to this day. One instance is U.S. troops illegally occupying Syria while driving truckloads of oil out of the Arab country to enrich American oil companies and Wall Street.

The same colonial objectives that underpinned the Nazi Reich continue to drive the wars engendered by the United States and its Western allies. Every war that these powers have engaged in over the past eight decades since the end of WWII is propelled by imperialist calculations and lust, albeit covered up by outrageous lies such as defending democracy or human rights. In his Victory Day speech, Putin hit the nail on the head when he said the Western hegemonic world order is one of elitist colonial privilege which is concealed by inciting conflicts and internecine tensions.

The United States and its cabal of Western partners must distort not just the origins of World War Two but every war thereafter. For at the heart of every war in modern times is the evil of colonial-style conquest.

To this end, it is entirely appropriate if not deplorable that the official Western powers have no time or inclination to celebrate Victory Day. Of course, they can’t bear to. For to do so in any genuine way would be to expose their own culpability not just in the most heinous war in history but the many others that have followed. That is why they must falsify the Second World War, the Soviet victory and indeed the present NATO proxy war in Ukraine.


The most telling circumstances of today is that the United States and its imperial lackeys in NATO are fully weaponizing a neoNazi regime in Ukraine that venerates the Third Reich and its genocidal crimes. Another consistent circumstance is that the same Western powers (who fancifully call themselves democracies) are fully weaponizing a genocide against the Palestinian people by a fascist Zionist regime conceived in 1948 as a bastard of Western colonialism pimping off the Jewish Holocaust.

And then this week, we have Britain’s Foreign Minister, Lord [sic] David Cameron trying to sound all Churchillian and portentous by warning in a speech that, “From Tallinn to Warsaw, Prague to Bucharest, a chill has once more descended across the European continent.”

Somebody should tell Cameron, who is the wealthy descendant of British slave traders, that the chill he imagines might have something to do with Britain supplying Ukrainian NeoNazis with long-range missiles that Cameron says should be aimed at Russia.

Today, Western states are steadily taking on the fascist form that they always were as they repress peaceful protesters against genocide in Gaza and arming a Nazi regime in Ukraine.

Russia’s celebration of Victory Day is incomparable in its significance with any other historical date of modern history. As Western states devolve into fascism, it is more important than ever to celebrate and fully understand the event for its contemporary meaning. Many ordinary citizens around the world, including in the United States and across Europe, are united with Russia in properly honoring Victory Day.

That’s why Western elites and rulers would prefer to forget history. It’s catching up with them and exposing their criminality.

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Pentru memorie

Țarul este reconfirmat. (memorare, memorare)

BTW, pentru cei care se miră despre ce caută popimea în afacerea asta: Țarul nu poate fi decât Creștin! (memorare)

This struggle between Pagan Roman and Orthodox Christian Roman is symbolised visibly even in the very architecture of the Washington White House, built in the Pagan Roman style, and the Moscow Kremlin, with its many churches and their gleaming crosses.

Dragi români, dormiți liniștiți: desigur că voi sunteți urmașii Romei, latini! Se cheamă Parteneriat Strategic. (memorare) LOL!

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