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Tare?! Sau ce?! Sorina Matei este pornită pe ei ca pe dracu’! Oare ce i-o fi venit?!

MS are (ca de obicei) o analiză foarte interesantă pe VP. Printre alte chestiuni bine punctate, slăbiciunile care-i vor aduce sfârșitul lui Dragnea (hm, și nouă…):

Always firm, but always polite, Viktor Orbán showed that he had nerves of steel, dodging one provocation after another (for example, the one staged by the same Romanian judicial system, in the case of the Catholic high school of Marosvásárhely / Târgu-Mureş), without ever breaking the thread of diplomacy. Meanwhile, Liviu Dragnea, too busy holding the reins of the PSD (in which far too many representatives are still far too sensitive to the charms of the deep state), has continued to sink into a policy of half-measures, flip-flopping and delays, sufficient to enrage the deep state, but unable to disarm it; he has thus achieved the negative feat of creating an enemy at once dangerous and desperate, who no longer recoils from any means of action, not even those who endanger civil peace, and therefore the most immediate national interest.

As Liviu Dragnea has just folded under the pressure of the liberal-libertarian wing of his party (a party, however, mostly acquired to the cause of the “traditional” family) by renouncing his project of a mega-demonstration in favor of a referendum on family values (revamped at the last minute in a less ideological “march against judicial abuses“), one cannot but fear that – watched on his right by the double-faced Victor Ponta, sometimes “national-liberal”, sometimes “a Romanian (wannabee) Macron” – he might end up also giving in to the “patriotic” blackmail of the deep state by sacrificing his Hungarian alliance. In which case he will also ipso facto renounce his presidential ambitions for next year, and probably any political future.

Let us add, however, to the discharge of poor Dragnea, that the current frenzy of the Romanian deep state probably does not have only internal causes. Three days before the sentence here commented, on July 1, the pseudo-expert Dan Dungaciu, chief propagandist of the “Euro-Atlantic” circles of the Romanian press, published, under the sexy (albeit somewhat absurd) headline “A Second Trianon“, a web of lies intended to make believe that Romania – an extractive colony looted for nearly thirty years by Western multinationals – would be above all the victim of… Hungarian economic imperialism. Under this delusional discourse, however, one can quite easily discern the true cause of the epileptic seizure that seems to have struck some of Mr. Dungaciu’s richest Western friends: the subtitle of Dan Dungaciu’s “analysis” happens to mention the issue of the Black Sea gas fields – to which I shall return in a future article.

Între timp, pe frontul global, TS ne atrage atenția despre o carte interesantă, despre puterea militară, și rosturile ei. Sper să găsesc timp pentru ea.

Apropos de cărți, într-una din nopțile trecute am citit ultima carte a lui Bujold. Ca de obicei, o capodoperă. Am în lectură una din cărțile lui Chris Hedges, despre Imperiul iluziei. Ce mi se pare cel mai interesant este că, în timp ce o citesc, îmi vine în minte, constant, Frank Zappa; descopăr ( a câta oară?) genialitatea lui FZ.

În Siria, ne menținem cursul. Doamne, ajută!

Marele Satan are multă treabă (ca de obicei). Se ocupă de PR (cu idioții utili), dar și de pus la cale ticăloșii (cu marionetele Mordorului).

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