O Pandemie interesantă

Iacă o culminație a spiritului civic și cetățenesc. (memorare)

Ce este de observat aici?

Primul val nu există (lockdown). Valul doi este focul în materialul combustibil. Valul trei este tăciunii. Dar valul patru ce este?! Benzină pe foc stins?!

UPDATE 7 noiembrie 2021


UPDATE 25.11.2021:

Mi se pare ireal ceea ce citesc:

să toarne mai mult, și mai mult gaz peste foc…

Contextul fiind al vaccinării de succes… Ce se întâmplă, doctore?! /UPDATE

UPDATE 4 decembrie 2021:


UPDATE 3 noiembrie 2021: Război comercial? Sau doar bussiness as usual?! /UPDATE

Generalul își depune mandatul. Triumfal, firește!

În ultimele zile marota este energia. Zice că energia regenerabilă(!) (panouri solare și moriști eoliene) este motivul crizei energiei, de unde până acum era salvarea omenirii de la extincție.

(Orlov dedică două articole temei.)

În acest context, România este fericită. Are un acord strategic cu SUA pentru centrale atomice, mici și mari. Lumea este entuziasmată. Pentru că vom fi, noi, salvarea energetică a Europei. Și, firește, buricul.

UPDATE 3 noiembrie 2021: ghiavolul are profeții împlinite ȘI pe această temă. Chapeau! /UPDATE

Citesc că sora noastră bună, de limbă slavă, este în același rol, de buric.

Nuclear energy cooperation between the United States and Ukraine


At the end of August, the Ukrainian national nuclear power generating company Energoatom and the US Westinghouse Electric signed a memorandum of understanding on building a power unit at the Khmelnitsky NPP, as well as four more reactors in Ukraine using American technology. The total cost of the projects is estimated at $30 billion.

This document reflects Ukraine’s dreams rather than reality. It does not mention any sources of funding, while the likelihood of Kiev being able to find the money for the project is extremely small. The assumption that the United States can spend its taxpayers’ money for the benefit of Ukraine sounds like a fantasy. We have seen many times how Washington signed certain declarations – including at the White House – and gave assurances to countries concerning future multi-billion dollar deals and contracts. They were forgotten as soon as the representatives of the countries that received the promises reached home, wondering where the promised money was. I think this is a similar story.

M-am mai liniștit.

În aceeași lectură aflu că românii sunt, în continuare, cei mai bravi dintre bravi.

Monument in Chisinau to Romanian army soldiers who fought on the side of Nazi Germany


We noted that on October 26, 2021, a monument was unveiled in central Chisinau to Romanian army soldiers who fought on the side of Nazi Germany, in a ceremony with military honours that was attended by high-ranking representatives of the Moldovan Defence Ministry and the Ministry of Culture.

It is year 2021. We are no longer in the fervour of World War II nor are we awaiting the Nuremberg trials. Where we are is where the verdicts of the Nuremberg trials are recognised as fundamental for evaluating those historical events and are not subject to review.

The plaque on the monument reads: “This is to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina by the Romanian army.” That is a reference to the invasion of the Soviet territory by Romanian Nazi occupants in 1941.

This is a cynical act. One reason why is that in 1937, a memorial was installed on the same site to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the battles in eastern Romania near Marasti and Marasesti when Russian and Romanian troops fought together against the German army.

We strongly condemn this outrageous glorification of Nazi abettors. The event was met with great resentment by the Moldovan public itself as Moldovans cherish the memory of the heroism of Soviet – and especially their own – soldiers. Why are the country’s officials forgetting this?

We urge the official Chisinau to not pander to revanchist forces with their attempts to falsify history and instil tolerance to the blatant propaganda of Nazi ideas.

BTW, istoria românească ne învață că la Mărăști și Mărășești românii s-au bătut cu nemții, în vreme ce rușii erau ocupați cu fuga. Ah, v-am spus eu că rușii e nașpa!

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