Falsificarea istoriei

Am aflat despre broșurica numită Falsificatorii istoriei. Mi s-a părut foarte instructivă.

Printre altele, am aflat că așa-zisul război de iarnă dintre Uniunea Sovietică și Finlanda nu a fost pierdut de ruși, dimpotrivă. Am fost așa de convins de victoria finlandeză, încât m-am dus repede la wiki. (memorare)

On 5 March, the Red Army advanced 10 to 15 km (6.2 to 9.3 mi) past the Mannerheim Line and entered the suburbs of Vyborg. The same day, the Red Army established a beachhead on the Western Gulf of Vyborg. The Finns proposed an armistice on 6 March, but the Soviets, wanting to keep the pressure on the Finnish Government, declined the offer. The Finnish peace delegation travelled to Moscow via Stockholm and arrived on 7 March. The USSR made further demands as their military position was strong and improving. On 9 March, the Finnish military situation on the Karelian Isthmus was dire as troops were experiencing heavy casualties. Artillery ammunition was exhausted and weapons were wearing out. The Finnish government, noting that the hoped-for Franco-British military expedition would not arrive in time, as Norway and Sweden had not given the Allies right of passage, had little choice but to accept the Soviet terms.[170]

Minciuna era intenția Uniunii Sovietice de a anexa Finlanda. De fapt, intenția, dictată de evoluția generală a trebilor europene, era de a stabili o linie defensivă la distanță de Leningrad. Ceea ce s-a obținut.

În rest, am regăsit, adunate la un loc, crâmpeiele de informații pe care le-am aflat de-a lungul timpului, ici-colo, niciodată ca linie oficială despre istoria acelei perioade.

În această linie este și AM. (memorare)

Historic Russia defeated combined West in 1945, it is also the WW II which spurred the United States’ rise from the ashes of the two (not just one) Great Depressions to emerge as a superpower amidst the world which laid in ruins by the end of the WWII. The only thing which stood in the way of the United States’ rule over the whole world was Soviet Union, today it is Russia. Russia’s emergence of the superpower is also rooted in the WW II, but the path to superpowerdom was opposite to that of the United States–it was through enormous sacrifice while bearing the brunt of the war. This CAN NOT stand for the American “elites”, because this removes the key component of the American mythology and, with it, a key tenet of the Western version of 20 and 21st centuries’ history, in the worlds of Fukuyama, the end of it, with West sitting on top of the world. Thus, the history of WW II, a crucible of modern world, MUST be rewritten and it is being rewritten non-stop. But it is also for the first time in 30 years when Russia, at the highest political level, said that she had enough. It was Soviet/Russian collectivism which stopped Hitler’s combined Western hordes, not  liberal democracy which took the credit for that immense historic achievement. It was not Soviet Union which unleashed that war. Combined West was. This is what at the root of West’s hostility to Russia. This is this metaphysical never-ending chicken-and-egg problem in relation to the modern world. And that is why Russia will always remain the enemy for the West. Because she beat it many times before, China, incidentally, didn’t.


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