și susținătorii lui. (memorare) De remarcat cum rușii nu-și mai voalează cuvintele. De ce?
Trump “cel adevărat” face toți banii (!). (memorare)
As you very well know, it was a tremendous weekend for our country. We killed ISIS leader al-Baghdadi. (Applause.) They’ve been looking for him for a long time. They’ve been looking for him for many years. He was a sick and depraved man, and now he’s dead. (Applause.) He’s dead. He’s dead as doornail. (Laughter and applause.) And he didn’t die bravely, either, I will tell you that.
He should have been killed years ago. Another President should’ve gotten him. But, to me, it was a very important — I would say all the time — they’d walk into my office, “Sir, we killed this leader at a low level, this leader at…” I said, “I never heard of them. I want al-Baghdadi. That’s the only one I know now.” (Laughter.) “I want al-Baghdadi. Get him.” And they got him. (Applause.)
But he was big time. He built the ISIS caliphate. You hear about ISIS — that was him. It was once the physical size of the state of Ohio, and had 7 million people, and it was growing big, big, big. And they had a problem — it started about two and a half years ago. (Laughter.)
And during my administration, I — we, all together — destroyed the caliphate 100 percent. Remember? I got it down to 97 percent. And I said, “All right, let’s go home.” And then, those people started saying 100 percent. You know, before me, they didn’t care. But now they say, “What about 100 percent?”
And we met some great generals. I learned a lot about generals. I met some good ones and I saw some bad ones — some that didn’t have what it takes, and others that had more than anyone would’ve thought. And it was supposed to take a year, maybe even two years. And I said to one of them, “How long will it take?” “I think we can do it in one week, sir.” (Laughter.) He was a little more like you. (Laughter.)
But we have now tens of thousands of ISIS prisoners under tight supervision. And now we want the countries in the region to police their own borders. We don’t want to be a policeman, in this case, of two countries that haven’t gotten along for centuries. But we’re keeping the oil — remember that. I’ve always said that: “Keep the oil.” We want to keep the oil. Forty-five million dollars a month? Keep the oil. (Applause.) We’ve secured the oil.